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Friday, January 15, 2010

Shaddowland - Immortals Series #3


Author: Alyson Noël
Just as Ever is learning everything she can about her new abilities as an immortal, initiated into the dark, seductive world by her beloved Damen, something terrible is happening to him.  As Ever’s powers are increasing, Damen’s are fading—stricken by a mysterious illness that threatens his memory, his identity, his life.

Desperate to save him, Ever travels to the mystical dimension of Summerland, uncovering not only the secrets of Damen’s past—the brutal, tortured history he hoped to keep hidden—but also an ancient text revealing the workings of time. With the approaching blue moon heralding her only window for travel, Ever is forced to decide between turning back the clock and saving her family from the accident that claimed them—or staying in the present and saving Damen, who grows weaker each day...

The storyline was very short-sighted. Two-thirds of the book revolved around one major event - and the "problematic" event became very dull and blase after a while. I found myself speed reading just to finish the book, not really paying much attention to the minimal details, but more so trying to get to the underlying point of it all. Noel writes very well for the most part, but I felt too many sentences began with "And..." which became quite redundant.

Also, Ever's character was under-developed and important details surrounding her psychic abilities left the reader wondering how she managed to do a variety of things. On a handful of other occasions, Ever's thoughts just pop out, without warning, which was odd since the book is written from her perspective (It was written in first-person so the reader should have been privy to everything Ever was thinking). First-person writing is far more revealing - the reader is usually fully disclosed by the narrating character.
Also, much was left completely unanswered.

Finally, the biggest blunder of all, the one that sealed the deal for me and made me cringe and dislike several aspects of the book altogether, was the frustrating ending. The entire book read like a never-ending soap opera and it ended on the same depressing note!

Thanks for listening to my opinion!

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